Through our events, we provide wellness and mental health care to those who need it through many therapeutic activities such as yoga, journaling, music therapy, art therapy, and more!
See more information below about past events and upcoming ones.
Past Events:
Spring 2024 JOY Event
An exhilarating exploration of Art and Movement Therapeutics! This unique gathering gave an immersive experience where creativity and movement intertwined to inspire joy and holistic well-being.
​Thank you to our sponsors, instructors, and participants!
Fall JAM October 2023 Event
Our JAM (Journaling and Yoga Therapeutics) event was a success!
Event Highlights:
Journaling Sessions: Guided journaling sessions to help unleash your creativity and introspection.
Yoga Therapeutics: Nourish your body, mind, and soul with revitalizing yoga practices. Our experienced instructors will guide you through gentle and restorative sequences, promoting relaxation and healing.
Connection and Community: Engage in meaningful conversations, forge new connections, and share your journey with like-minded individuals. The event provides a supportive space for growth and camaraderie.
Thank you to our sponsors, instructors, and participants!